Brittany Renee
5 min readFeb 11, 2022


How The “Paranormal” changed my life..

I grew up in a home where it was taught to believe that spirits existed, to say the least I was obsessed with it since I was a child. I vividly remember encountering paranormal experiences when I was a child, from seeing my grandfather who passed away a few years before I was born, to “seeing” my mom walk down our hallway and wave at me yet she was laying beside me sound asleep. Creepy right? Now let’s flash forward to when I was 18, a few friends of mine and their infant daughter all decided to move in together, we were young and broke so we had a shitty two bedroom apartment in the middle of the ghetto in Columbus Ohio, but honestly we were thrilled and even grateful to have our own place. We all worked a lot but worked opposite shifts so someone was home to watch the baby (let’s face it childcare is extremely expensive) a few weeks after moving into the apartment we all had the day off work, we were sitting in the living room listening to music just talking about life. I remember my phone started to ring, I look down and it says “unknown caller” I didn’t Answer it, thinking it was just a spam call until it kept calling. I got this really eerie feeling like something wasn’t right. After about the 10th call, I got a notification saying I had a voicemail and instant panic hit. I started assuming the worst. “Is my dad in the hospital again? Is my mom okay? Is it work telling me I needed to come in? I put my PIN number into my phone and listen to the voicemail, it sounded like somebody was talking over a CB radio saying “do you wanna go out tonight” for a second I felt relief, as it was probably just a friend inviting me out … right? My roommate then asked to listen to the voicemail one more time without it being on speaker phone, after hitting repeat 3 or 4 times she kinda laughed and said “it’s not asking you if you wanna go out tonight, it’s asking you if you want to die tonight” (my heart is racing even typing this) part of me thought it was just someone playing around but then I started thinking “what if it wasn’t?” Nothing else weird happened that day. A few days later I asked my female roommate if she would straighten my hair for work, and she agreed. I remember standing in the bathroom, her straightening my hair and I suddenly got light headed. That’s all I remember until I was laying on the ground with both of my roommates standing over me trying to get me up, apparently I fainted which I’ve never done before. I played it off as if I just got overheated, after work I came home about midnight and went straight to bed, as I was laying in bed I watched a large black mass (orb) zoom across my room, back and fourth from one corner to another, I wasn’t scared but I remember feeling “glued” to my bed.

It only gets more weird from here, over the course of the next few months we noticed our dog Ellie would growl at a corner in the kitchen, she sometimes would even leap as if she were trying to protect us, the infant baby that was my roommates wouldn’t Sleep in the bedroom by herself, she would scream and cry until we picked her up and would only sleep in the living room.

We lived this way for countless months.

One night I fell asleep on the couch and swear I heard one of my roommates leave for work, I heard his voice say “get your fucking ass up and lock this door” I remember getting up and locking the door half asleep and then laying back down. When I woke back up a few hours later, I was surprised to see him in the kitchen making everyone coffee. He swore he never once said that, which I believed him because he never talked like that. Shortly after that incident we decided to have a few drinks at home, nobody was “drunk” as we had a baby in the house, but I watched my roommate go from super happy to super mad. His attitude was nothing like I seen before and threatened to hit my other roommate in the face because she was a “bitch” he lunged at her several times, before I packed her and the baby up and we slept at her grandmas that night. When we came home the next day he was freaking out because he didn’t know where we were and didn’t recall him acting that way. The last straw for all of us is when we found the baby laying face down on the floor when I knew for a fact that we put her in her pack and play, there’s no way she could of gotten out herself as she was only 5 months old at this point, we also found a scratch on her arm that looked like somebody had really sharp nails and dug into her skin. We had an “emergency family meeting” and decided we had no choice but to leave. The next day we packed up everything we owned and went our separate ways, they went to live with a family member while I went to live with another friend that invited me to stay. Weeks after moving we all felt like we were in the clear until we started getting voicemails of what sounded like one of our voices saying awful things about one of the other people, which lead to a huge argument. Eventually we met up and played each other the voicemails we all received. There’s no way we could all be calling each other at the same time leaving horrible voicemails to each other. I started doing research, came to find out nobody lived in that apartment long, whatever was there drove everyone away. There was even an exorcism preformed on the apartment. It took me a very long time to feel as if i wasn’t being watched or felt as if this thing wasn’t with me still. Was it a demon or just a pissed off spirit? Who knows. I don’t even want to know but that incident is what drove me to become a certified paranormal investigator, thankfully I haven’t Had a incident like that sense. Has anyone ever had an experience like this before?

